Dear Honor Choir Families,
Thank you so much for your time and talents in helping our children! Things are looking great and the kids are making some wonderful memories.
We wanted to go over some topics that will help you navigate crunch week.
Crunch Week Schedule:
- Wednesday: Dress Rehearsal 12:15-3:00pm
- Students wearing mics for Charlie Brown please be there no later than 12:15pm
- Everyone else should be in costumes and mics on by 12:35pm
- We will start the first run through promptly at 12:40pm
- Thursday, Dress Rehearsal 12:15-3:00pm
- Students wearing mics for Charlie Brown please be there no later then 12:15pm
- Everyone else should be in costumes and mics on by 12:35pm
- Rehearsal will start promptly at 12:40pm
- Friday, School Performances
- Mics on before 10:30am
- Call Time 10:30am in Rm 39.
- Please have mics and costumes on, ready to go.
- School performance 10:45am
- Parents please wait to sit until we get all the students seated. If there is no room, we are asking you to wait in the lobby.
- School performance 11:45am
- Parents please wait to sit until we get all the students seated. If there is no room, we are asking you to wait in the lobby.
- Cast Party, 12:45pm
- Please make sure your student(s) bring a change of clothes to wear for the cast party. No one will be allowed to eat in costumes, school clothes worn for Charlie Brown, black clothes, or white dress shirt and pants.
- Friday, Night Performance
- Mics on before 6:30pm
- Call time 6:30pm in rm 39
- Please have mics and costumes on ready to go
- Performance at 7:00pm
- Saturday, Performances
- Mics on before 5:00pm
- Call time 5:00pm in rm 39
- Please have mics and costumes on ready to go
- Performance at 5:30pm
- Performance at 7:00pm
- Please send a snack and water that they can eat in costume for between performances.
- After the last performance on Saturday, students will need to turn in all costumes and help clean up. Thank you!
Costuming Reminders:
- Please label costumes. This is as simple as a piece of tape inside with your name on it. There are 50 kids participating in the show and many have the same costumes. If one goes missing or gets left behind we can find the owner if it is labelled.
- Please wear black shoes with black soles. Boys need black socks. Girls, please have a strap to keep your shoes from flying off your feet and hurting you or someone else. Only Cinderella is allowed to lose her shoe. 🙂
- Black modesty clothes for changing in and out of costumes. Again there will be a lot of kids in the back changing. No one wants to see immodest bodies back there. Black leggings, and black camisole for the girls work well. Black T-shirt and black shorts for the boys. Please keep these clothes as modest as possible.
- Have your costumes nice and stacked neatly in a bag in order of use, ready for the show. If you have one, we have found recycle type bags the nicest to use for this. They are sturdy and hold up with so much happening backstage.
Cast Party:
- We will be having a cast party luncheon for the students on Friday, right after the student performances.
- If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ali Miller 495-2777.
- If your child is gluten free or has any other food allergy please let Ali know asap.
- We want this to be a family friendly event so any parents and siblings who are there will be able to participate. We do ask that you wait until all cast members are served first before eating.
- Please let Ali know how many people will be eating (besides the cast) asap so she can plan accordingly. To help off set cost we are asking for donations of $3 per person eating, not including students in the show. Thank you!
- We still have lots of tickets for all of the performances.
- Contact Kara if you have any questions
Video and Photography:
- The Mendiola Family have volunteered to make a DVD of the show.
- We will also be having Juventa Vezzani and Brian Osterhout taking pictures.
- Since we will be having a DVD made and pictures taken, we are asking that families enjoy the show and not take pictures and video during the show. It is very distracting to the students if all they see are electronics pointed at them. They are learning how to read an audience so they can better interact with them. Please let us be the audience they can see.
We hope you are all excited for the show as much as we are. It is going to be great!